Transportation & Communication
Airport Services
Adams County Airport: Class A, Runway 6,000’, reconstructed in 1992
Adams County Legion Field: (63C) is a public-use airport located on Deerborn Avenue. The airport provides easy access to lacal recreational areas. It has a 60′ X 3400′ lighted, hard-surfaced runway. Aircraft tie-down, and vehicle parking, hanger/commercial sites, fuel, rental cars, telephones, and seasonal restrooms are available. For more information call the Adams County Airport Commission at (608) 339-4200.
Regular commercial air and freight service to all major cities. Served by United Express. Car rental is available.
An excellent roadway system–federal, state, county, and local–make driving and trucking safe and efficient in Adams County.
Bus Service
Greyhound and Scenic Trails provide regularly scheduled commercial passenger and parcel service.
Rail Service
Union Pacific Railroad has a terminal located in Adams, Wisconsin.
Local Radio Stations
K106.1FM 106.1